Le Jen Miniature

All items are handmade by me.

If you are interested in any of the items or would like me to update you on New Post, please drop me an email at : jenchan0203@yahoo.com.sg

Monday, July 26, 2010

French Cruller

Dark Chocolate French Cruller with sprinkles on strawberry icing.

This is my first try. Need to improve on it.


  1. so cute. where do you buy the mini cups and plates from?

  2. Thank you. The little white plate is bought from a local craft shop n as for the cup is made out if a rubber connector. I snip off the bottom n deal
    the base. But you can't bake it n is the as clear as glass. Got to use air dry only.

    But got to make do with it as miniature supplies here is very limited.

    I saw your blog n you came Singapore recently ?

    I actually got the rubber connector that you got yr air dry clay from Daiso.

    I can sent you the link to make theini glass if you like.
